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Warlords: Heroes

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Warlords: Heroes
Fight your way through 4 episodes of fantasy battle. Buying fighting moves, amour and hiring henchman to assist you on your journey. Features: - A game based on the Achilles engine set in the Warlords world. - 3 Different characters with different weapons, moves, stories, henchmen, personalities -Purchasable fighting moves after each level – learn and customise your fighting style as you go - Hire henchmen to assit you on your quest - Buy armour and magical items after each level - 18 Standard enemy units+ 7 Bosses (Achilles had 3 Standard + 5 Bosses) - 9 Different races with different backgrounds for their regions - Freely explorable map, if you want to just go touring round fighting people, you can! - Survival Mode - Gladiator Mode – Exclusive to Kongregate
Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star

Date: 2013-07-26

47 Users Played


Instructions in game.
BTW: Forward + attack means hold the way you are facing and press attack

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